Tuesday, March 16, 2010

MULTI-SENSORY LEARNING-The Quality of Improveness in Learning Style

Multi-more than one

Sensory-Involving or derived from the senses

Multisensory-relating and involving several bodily senses

Multisensory is a teaching or learning style that was apply while teaching students.It use the three learning senses which is auditory (hearing and speaking), visual (seeing and perceiving), and kinesthetic (touch and movement) . In this learning style the lessons are taught using two or more of these modalities simultaneously to receive or express information. Teachers teach in two or more ways, and students can express their responses in a variety of ways.

"Albert Einstein said, 'Learning is experiencing. Everything else is just information.' His insight suggests that we must experience our learning by using our complex sensory systems. Our species has an innate need to see, touch, taste, feel, and hear the features of any new object in order to understand it better," (Wesson, 2002).

The usage of these learning style which through all the senses is helpful in reinforcing memory.

In order to make the learning process gone smoothly and motivate the learners itself,a range of multi-sensory techniques was applied by the educators.

The term used is to refer to any learning activity that combines two or more sensory strategies to take in or express information. Multi-sensory approaches have been particularly valuable in literacy and language learning, for example, in relationships between sound and symbol, word recognition, and the use of tactile methods such as tracing on rough or soft surfaces.

In my point of view,this kind of learning style could attract learners in giving concentration in a class and can change the class from bored to something enjoying.